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Discover the power of informed trading with

MyITS Performance Reference! 

Utilize our app as a benchmark for your trading executions, leveraging our successful buy-low-sell-high strategy. Stay ahead of market movements and amplify your trading success. Download today and use ITS as your guide to strategic trading excellence!

MyITS crypto trading bot

MyITS Peformance Reference

Introducing MyITS Performance Reference – your gateway to mastering the art of trading with our high-frequency buy-low-sell-high strategy. This app is your one-stop source for historical trade data, offering a detailed log of our strategy’s performance on leading crypto exchanges.

Key Features

Crypto market analysis

Comprehensive Trade Logs

Access a detailed record of all trades, including buy and sell actions, to ensure full transparency and accountability.

MyITS Automated cryoto trading

​Active Coin Monitoring:

Keep an eye on the market’s active coins that align with our strategy for superior profit generation.

Fund management

Strategic Insights

Discover which cryptocurrencies are best suited for our high-frequency strategy to maximize long-term gains.

Easy to use

User-Friendly Interface: 

Navigate through an intuitive app design with features like:


  • Multilingual support (Chinese Traditional/Simplified, English)

  • User account management (Login, Forgot Password, Profile Page)

  • Enhanced security (Google 2FA setup/change password)

  • Financial tools (Compounding Calculator)

  • Communication (User Enquiry Page, Notification Panel)

Multiple coin trading

Exclusive Analysis:

Benefit from our unique analysis with the Top 25 Active Coin reference, based on our extensive trading experience and not reliant on any exchange API.

Market Insight

In-Depth Coin Details

  1. Visual and textual information on each coin, including image, name, current market price, and performance since inception.

  2. Profit and Loss (PNL) tracking to date.

  3. A complete history of transaction records, providing a clear view of our strategy’s effectiveness.

Download MyITS Performance Reference today.


to unlock the full potential of our trading insights.

For more information, reach out to us – we’re here to help!



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