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MyITS 常见问题

一般问题问:如何注册MyITS账号? 答:您可通过推荐人的二维码或登入 进行注册即可。 问:我可以重置密码吗? 答:您可以点击【忘记密码】通过电邮审核身份后,重新设定密码。 问:我可以更改电邮地址、用户ID或用户名吗? 答:电邮地址、用户ID、用户名一旦被用以注册MyITS账号后将无法做修改或更换。 问:我可以创建多个MyITS账号吗? 答:可以,但没有太大帮助,因为MyITS同时具备绑定多个交易所的功能。
API 指南创建API密钥 API密钥无效 如何将50 VSDT 转换成 USDT? 解除API密钥
Wallet limitQ: What is the purpose of setting up a wallet limit in MyITS? A: Setting up a wallet limit ensures that your trading bots have access to the necessary funds for executing trades effectively. Q: How do I set up my wallet limit in MyITS? A: Navigate to the Bots section, understand your wallet limit, and adjust it accordingly to match the amount in your spot exchange wallet. Q: What happens if my exchange account funds fall below the set wallet limit? A: If your exchange account funds fall below the set wallet limit, MyITS bots will cease functioning until the funds are replenished. Q: What is the maximum amount I can set as my wallet limit? A: You have the flexibility to adjust your wallet limit up to the same amount as your spot exchange wallet.
AutopilotQ: What is the benefit of selecting 'Autopilot' as trading preference in MyITS? A: Choosing 'Autopilot' streamlines decision-making, saves time through automation. Q: What is the difference between autopilot modes in MyITS? A: Autopilot mode without compound profits executes trades automatically, while autopilot mode with compound profits reinvests generated profits to potentially amplify returns over time. Q: Why should I adjust my wallet limit when using autopilot mode in MyITS? A: Adjusting your wallet limit optimizes your autopilot trading experience by determining the number of bot units available for investment.
推荐与注册问:我如何分享推荐链接? 答:进入到您的个人资料页面,点击“二维码推荐”按钮,然后复制链接以与您的朋友分享。 问:如何使用推荐链接创建自己的帐户? 答:单击您朋友提供的推荐链接,该链接带你进入 MyITS 设置您的帐户。 问:如果我收到预设账户而不是推荐链接怎么办? 答:使用您获得的用户名和密码登录 MyITS 应用程序,首次登录时,系统会提示您完成帐户设置。 问:如果我没有推荐链接怎么办? 答:您可以直接访问注册页面或寻求朋友的帮助来指导您完成注册过程。
常见问题问:什么是双模式交易机器人? 答:双模式交易的主要资金用于现货交易,同时将小部分资金进行合约交易,策略性地将部分资金以高回报为目的。 问:现货和合约交易的资金分配占多少百分比? 答:启动双模式后,MyITS会自动将用户资金以10:1的比例分配在现货交易和合约交易,进行双向盈利。 问:合约交易的资金比例可以加大吗? 答:可以的,目前合约的资金比例可以从原本的10:1,解锁合约权限至2:1。 问:我该如何扩展合约的资金比例? 答:您可以前往MyITS首页的【交易记录】,点击【合约】购买扩展券,分别有3种不同的扩展券任您选择。 问:绑定合约账户的API是永久的吗? 答:90天后API将会失效,必须在90天内重新绑定。
MyITS智能交易策略如何启动智能交易策略? 服务费如何预支与计算? MyITS网格交易资金如何分配? MyITS如何应对突如其来的下跌趋势? 若在交易中遭受亏损怎么办?
Simple Earn什么是Simple Earn?
充值与提现如何购买USDT? 如何充值配套? 如何提币?
VouchersQ: What is VSDT and its purpose within the MyITS platform? A: VSDT serves as the voucher used within MyITS to facilitate trading activities, allowing users to explore the platform's features and profit potential. Q: Can VSDT be exchanged or withdrawn as traditional currency? A: No, VSDT is exclusively used within the MyITS platform and cannot be exchanged or withdrawn as traditional currency. Q: When does MyITS provide ITSV vouchers? A: ITSV vouchers are provided by MyITS in the event of losses during adjustments to compensate users.
定存创未来,世界任我游MyITS最新活动,赢取6,888 USDT及5次海外游! 我要如何报名? 报名条件须知
Emptybot x MyITSQ. What is EmptyBots? A. EmptyBots is a platform for trading Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and participating in various NFT-related activities. Q. How does the collaboration with EmptyBots benefit MyITS users? A. The collaboration enhances your trading capabilities by allowing you to expand your wallet size for future trading to a remarkable 1:1 ratio with the purchase of EmptyBots NFTs. Q. Can I participate in the collaboration without prior knowledge of NFTs or cryptocurrency? A. Yes, you can! We provide resources and guidance to help users understand NFTs and how to benefit from the collaboration. Q. How do I purchase EmptyBots NFTs and bind them to my MyITS account? A. We provide a step-by-step guide to help you through the process, making it user-friendly for all participants. Click here for more. Q. Is there a minimum requirement for participating in the collaboration? A. We welcome participants of all levels, whether you're new to cryptocurrency or an experienced trader. No minimum requirements are needed to join this collaboration. Q. Can I unbind an NFT from my MyITS account? A. Yes, you can unbind an NFT from your MyITS account at any time. The process is simple, and any associated funds are returned to your account. Q. What are the terms and conditions for the collaboration? A. Detailed terms and conditions will be available on our collaboration webpage. Make sure to review them before participating. Q. How long will the collaboration with EmptyBots last? A. The collaboration is ongoing, allowing you to benefit from the enhanced trading capabilities for the foreseeable future.
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